Firstly let me say a happy prosperous and healthy new year to you all.
Well this year has been a year of many changes some good, some sad,some disappointing and some new and fun.
The year started on a very sad note with the Lovely Boo passing over the rainbow bridge to be with all her old buddies. The Boo
Within a few weeks we had adopted the Tramp, he needed a home and I really did miss having a companion.The adventures of The Tramp
After all the work I did on the barge Becky last year I decided to put her up for sale. The Barge Becky Things had changed at Heybridge, and most not for the better, so decided it was time for a change, I think I was also bored and needed a new adventure.
After a lot of time wasters, dreamers and idiots finally had a lady and her daughter make me an offer I could accept and live with. So next came the survey, what a fiasco that turned out to be. The surveyor was so busy trying to impress Kate, the potential new owner, with his expertise and knowledge of Dutch barges that he totally missed 4 weak spots around the stern fortunately picked up by the boatyard and repaired .
And so after what seemed to take an age said my farewell to the Becky and Heybridge on the 24 Aug in a violent rain storm and headed to Gosport to start the hunt for a narrow boat and a new adventure.
Didn't take long to find just what I was looking for The Penarrow Two tramps on a boo. Boo. B. Do: The Penarrow soon to be the Boo. Boo. B. Do and after some haggling she became mine on the 15 Sep .
And on the 20th Sep me and the Tramp set off on a new adventure Two tramps on a boo. Boo. B. Do
So an eventful year with hopefully more to come.
I've written things this way as it would take so long putting in all the detail in one long letter.
An old duffer using modern technology